
Hello! Welcome to The Shoot Shoppe Blog. I'm Jennifer. I am a photographer who loves to capture memories and turn them into beautiful works of art. I shoot from the heart. I am inspired by natural light and real life moments. Thanks for stopping by... What a s{hoot}!


I am currently booking a very limited amount of portrait sessions for 2012. If you are interested in booking a portrait session, please send me an email to inquire about my availability and reserve your date!


Some days you gotta dance.

I am so behind on blogging!
It has been soooo busy around here at the Tanner house and at The Shoot Shoppe!
But there's nothing new about that, now is there?
Life is just busy and that is just life.

A few weeks ago, I was asked to shoot some pics for the Senior Cottilion Dance.
Here are a few of my darling Jordan with his cute date Katelyn,
and also one of his best friends - Hunter with his date Rachel.

This first picture has to be one of my favorites of all time.
I think it rocks.
Have I mentioned how much I love shooting teens?

Want more than just the traditional dance pictures?
Give me a call!

What a s{hoot}!

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