
Hello! Welcome to The Shoot Shoppe Blog. I'm Jennifer. I am a photographer who loves to capture memories and turn them into beautiful works of art. I shoot from the heart. I am inspired by natural light and real life moments. Thanks for stopping by... What a s{hoot}!


I am currently booking a very limited amount of portrait sessions for 2012. If you are interested in booking a portrait session, please send me an email to inquire about my availability and reserve your date!


The Tarsha Family {Utah Urban Photography}

This is my dynamic sister and her cute family!
Dynamic, you say?  YES.
Dy*nam*ic:  A person positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas.
Yep.  That's her! And I love her for it!

And just so you know - her little guy is stealing my heart!
Everytime I am around him, I can't help but just kiss and kiss those cheeks!
Seriously people, I. AM. IN. LOVE.



 Honestly, could he be any cuter?!
Be still my heart.
What a s{hoot}!


~adelle said...

Those turned out so stinking cute! What a cute little family. :) Love that baby...

Tarsha said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my photos! EVeryone that I sent them to in Arizona, loved them too. They all told me that you are the most talented photographer. Thank you again!