
Hello! Welcome to The Shoot Shoppe Blog. I'm Jennifer. I am a photographer who loves to capture memories and turn them into beautiful works of art. I shoot from the heart. I am inspired by natural light and real life moments. Thanks for stopping by... What a s{hoot}!


I am currently booking a very limited amount of portrait sessions for 2012. If you are interested in booking a portrait session, please send me an email to inquire about my availability and reserve your date!


Today was a Fairy Tale *Utah Natural Light Photography*

Remember when you were young?
When you got dressed up just like a princess for PROM?
And had a magical fairy-tale type of day?
I do...
Now I get to watch as my darling boy gets all dressed up and 
picks her up at 6 and has a fairy-tale of his own... 

We shot these downtown - I LOVE the way they turned out - 
so much better than the traditional dance pictures at the school!
Although we did have to endure FREEZING wind...the poor girls almost froze!  
I love shooting teens!  
And I would love to shoot you.
What a s{hoot}!


The Tarsha Family {Utah Urban Photography}

This is my dynamic sister and her cute family!
Dynamic, you say?  YES.
Dy*nam*ic:  A person positive in attitude and full of energy and new ideas.
Yep.  That's her! And I love her for it!

And just so you know - her little guy is stealing my heart!
Everytime I am around him, I can't help but just kiss and kiss those cheeks!
Seriously people, I. AM. IN. LOVE.



 Honestly, could he be any cuter?!
Be still my heart.
What a s{hoot}!


Natalie turns 2! {Utah Child Photography}

Happy Happy Birthday to my darling niece Natalie!
For her birthday photo shoot her mom wanted something FUN and BRIGHT
to match the FUN and BRIGHT personality that comes out of this tiny little girl!
(Don't let her small size fool you... she is a smart, feisty, fearless little spit-fire!)
She makes us laugh, a lot
This little sweetie has always been special to me...
She has been my little twin - blond hair and blue eyes... 
so different from her dark-haired parents!
I have offered to take her as my own many times, but for some reason, 
her parents don't want to give her up!  
What a s{hoot}!